JKD or Jeet Kune Do - Way of the intercepting fistJeet Kune Do or jkd is less an actual style of martial arts than it is a philosophy.
Conceived by the late Bruce Lee, the main idea of Jeet Kune Do is that each practitioner of martial arts has different physical and mental abilities, and therefore no style, in fact not even a single technique, can be effectively used by everyone. Thus, the Jeet Kune Do artist learns to, "absorb what is useful, reject what is useless," using exclusively their own judgement to determine usefulness. Schools of JKD do not have regimented lessons that are taught, rather the instructor's objective is to show the student the paths they can take to developing their own style. JKD has been listed as highly variable on the grappling - striking scale because in theory it can be as centred around either approach as the individual using it decides it should be. However, the reality is that Bruce Lee's own formal training was in the Wing Chun style of Wushu and therefore the techniques taught will tend to lean toward striking. Advanced practitioners are taught to study many styles and take from them whatever they think they could use.
Sun Kune DoSun Kune Do What is Sun Kune Do?
A self defence method combining various forms of martial arts.
Sun Kune Do is considered to be a modern, self defence system, designed to be utilized against street attacks defending against both armed and unarmed attackers.
It involves a wide variety of strikes, blocks, joint reversals, releases, restraints, takedowns and throws. Whilst most martial disciplines are predominantly characterized by a particular approach, Sun Kune Do is based on the assumption that a wider knowledge will be the most appropriate response in any given situation.
Formulated on 1980 after the founder was attacked, he studied various methods and accumulated them into a system of self defence.
The success of Sun Kune do has gone from strength to strength an is taught across the globe as far as New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Denmark, England (where it was created) and Ireland.